A True Labor Of Love!

Boggy Bears!
Made With So Much Love!

When our campers arrive at Camp Boggy Creek, not only are they greeted with love from our army of volunteers and staff, they are greeted with their very own Boggy Bear and Afghan. Each bear and afghan are made with TLC and each one is unique, just like our campers.

Groups from all around the United States get together to craft these comforting bears and twice a year, they converge at Camp to stuff the bears with fluff and love.

Want to get involved or learn how you or your group can make Boggy Bears? Please call (352) 483-4200 extension 4235!

Please mail or deliver your completed items to the address below:

Camp Boggy Creek c/o Camp Operations 30500 Brantley Branch Road Eustis, Florida 32736 

Camp Boggy Creek Afghans In The News!

Afghans From Around The World!

As each camper enters their cabin for the first time, they encounter two items on their bunk, a unique Boggy Bear AND a beautifully made unique afghan blanket. Much like the Boggy Bears, these afghans are crafted with love around the world. What’s so touching about this generosity is that hardly any of these people have visited Camp, they simply give of their time and talent out of love for our campers.

Afghan Sizing Guidelines:
• Afghans: Afghans can be crocheted or knitted and should be 35-40 inches wide by 40-50 inches long.

• Quilts for beds: Please use cotton or flannelette. Quilts should be 60 inches by 80 inches, machine-washable, and lightweight.

• Decorative Quilts: Quilts that we will use to decorate walls should be no larger than 7 feet by 10 feet.

Check out some of the chatter across YouTube about these amazing Afghans below!

Afghans Unboxing Across The Internet

Want to learn more about your group making Afghans for our campers? Please call (352) 483-4200 extension 4215 or toll-free 866-462-6449 extension 4215.

News From Camp Boggy Creek