Giving Societies:
Be A Part Of The Magic.
"Thank you for a wonderful weekend. It was our first time at Boggy Creek. My favorite moment was watching my son play basketball from his wheelchair. It brought tears to my eyes. That let him know that he’s still able to do what other children do. I can’t thank you enough for that."
— Elsa, camper mom
Paul Newman believed that giving back to help those less fortunate is the greatest opportunity to make our world a better place.
In honor of Paul’s vision of enriching the lives of children with serious illnesses, the Newman Circle of Friends was established to honor our steadfast donors who have reached and/or exceeded the $1 million level of giving to Camp Boggy Creek.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff, and the thousands of children and families we serve, we express our heartfelt gratitude to the following generous donors for reaching this remarkable milestone of giving!
Homer Allen
In Memoriam
Wendy & Hugh Durden
John C. Hamlin
Diane & Eric Holm
John & Stephanie Pew

Annual gifts of
The Schwarzkopf Society
For more than decades, General H. Norman Schwarzkopf dedicated himself to the mission of Camp Boggy Creek. In honor of his commitment, The Schwarzkopf Society was formed to recognize donors who embrace the General’s spirit of philanthropy and his steadfast commitment to our campers.
With unrestricted annual gift(s) totaling $10,000 or more to our campership fund, you join the distinguished ranks of The Schwarzkopf Society members, who each year ensure that Florida’s children with serious illnesses have the opportunity to enjoy a little piece of magic here at Camp Boggy Creek.
For any questions you may have about The Schwarzkopf Society and the various ways you can give, please contact Jacqueline Boykin, at jboykin@campboggycreek.org or 352-483-4676
Annual gifts of
Annual gifts of
Annual gifts of