Camp Application:
You’re Going To Love This Place!

Camp Boggy Creek is a magical place where campers with serious medical illnesses experience life-changing camp experiences.

Campers for summer camp should be between the ages of 7 and 16, both developmentally and chronologically. Campers for family weekends should be between the ages of 5 and 16, both developmentally and chronologically.

Camp Boggy Creek has an extensive multi-step application process to ensure that all of your child’s needs are met at Camp.

Completed application materials may be sent via mail, email, or fax. Please feel free to contact our medical team if you have any questions.

All Upcoming Camp Sessions

How Do I Register My Child To Attend Camp?

Programs at Camp Boggy Creek include week-long summer sessions as well as family retreat weekends, and each includes full medical coverage with on-site professionals in the illness specialty being served.

The Camp Boggy Creek experience is more than a fun-filled getaway. It helps children and their families to better cope with the day-to-day challenges they face in dealing with serious illness.

4 Easy Steps To Register For Camp

Step 1:

Complete the Online Camper Application. If you do not have access to the online application, please contact your camper recruiter. After you have completed the online application, you will immediately receive an email including a camp medical form and then a disease specific medical form.

Step 2:

Have your child’s specialist or treatment center complete, sign, and return the medical form(s) you received when you completed your application. We will also need a copy of the most recent office/clinic notes. Please also send in a copy of your child’s immunization records to complete your application.

Step 3:

ALMOST THERE! Have your child’s specialist submit a copy of the camper’s current office/progress notes to the Camper Recruiter. Please note, we will need all three steps prior to reviewing your child or family application.

Step 4:

We will reach out with the status of your child’s acceptance status by the timeline listed in the Camp schedule. Please remember, even though we try to accommodate every child who applies, a submitted application or an online application reservation acknowledgement does not guarantee acceptance. Applications are not accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. All completed applications will be considered even if late or past the indicated timeline date.

Please note: Summer camp is for the child with the diagnosis only. Family retreats are the camper with the diagnosis and their immediate family members only. We hope to see you at camp soon!

Have Questions?

Our Medical Team

Camp Medical Director:
Dr. Marci Slayton
352-483-4200, ext. 4282

Director of Nursing
Linh Nguyen, RN, BSN, CPN
352-483-4200, ext, 4270

Our Camper Recruiter

Director Of Admissions & Family Engagement
Arlene Castro
352-483-4200, ext. 4276