What is our mission?
Camp Boggy Creek makes it possible for children with serious illnesses and their families to experience a free, life-changing camp where safety, respect, love, and joy come together to enrich their physical and behavioral health.
Who do we serve?
Children ages 7 through 16 with one of the following diseases, illnesses or conditions: asthma (severe), bleeding disorders and hemophilia, cancer, craniofacial disorders, diabetes, epilepsy, heart/cardiovascular, immune deficiency, gastrointestinal illnesses, kidney disease, rheumatic disease, ventilator assisted disorders, sickle cell anemia, spina bifida and transplants.
What is the cost to attend?
Campers and their family members do not pay to attend Camp Boggy Creek. The nearly $5 million annual operating budget is funded by donations from individuals, corporations, foundations and healthcare partners.
What activities do we offer?
Swimming, boating, fishing, arts & crafts, horseback riding, theater, archery, mini golf, dancing, singing and adventure activities.
When is Camp in session?
We are open year-round with weekly summer sessions for children and in the spring and fall for our family retreat program, serving children and their families.
What is the size of Camp?
232 acres, 45 buildings, including 16 camper cabins, medical center, dining hall, swim center, stable and nature barn, sports & recreation center, arts & crafts center and theater.
When did we open?
1996, at a cost of $23 million.
Who are our founders?
The Camp was co-founded by actor/philanthropist Paul Newman and General H. Norman Schwarzkopf.
How many campers and families has Camp Boggy Creek served?
Since opening, more than 90,000 children with serious illnesses and family members have been served, all at no cost to them.
Does Camp need volunteers?
Over 28,000 volunteers have lent their talents to Camp Boggy Creek. We rely on over 1,800 volunteers each year. Volunteers need to be at least 19 years of age, undergo a background check and screening interviews.