Looking For A Way To Make A Huge Impact?
Create A Lasting Legacy.
Send More Children With
Serious Medical Illnesses To Camp.
Camp Boggy Creek, Legacy Giving Circle
Create your legacy: A legacy is a lasting commitment to future generations. The decisions we make today may not yield immediate rewards, but they shape a brighter tomorrow for children and their families with serious illnesses. By investing in Camp Boggy Creek, you create the benefits that will extend far beyond the present, helping to build a better future for those who come after us. Together, we can make a meaningful impact for generations to come. There is no age guide for our Legacy Circle members ranging from ages 19-90.
Your commitment of giving will be recognized in the Camp Boggy Creek Legacy Giving society. Additionally you can allocate your gifts as you prefer, from specific endowments to restricted annual support.
Sample Language: I give, devise and bequeath to Camp Boggy Creek a Florida nonprofit corporation and a qualified 501(c)(3) organization, located in Eustis FL, Federal Tax ID Number 59-3012889, the sum of __________ (or % of my estate), (or other personal property herein described) to be used for its general programs for campers and families to attend Camp. To get started today, please contact Jacqueline Boykin jboykin@campboggycreek.org or call 352-483-4119. We suggest you seek the advice of your financial and or legal advisor.
Ways to Give:
Deferred Planned Gifts include:
Bequests: The quickest and easy way to create a legacy as you allocate a portion of your estate to Camp Boggy Creek. You can designate a specific amount or a % of your estate.
Retirement Plans and Life Insurance: These allow you to name Camp Boggy Creek as your beneficiary for your life insurance or unused retirement.
Gifts of Stock or Trusts
Thank you for considering creating your legacy for the children with serious illnesses. Your gift will continue to provide children a life-changing and FREE Camp experience at Camp Boggy Creek.