Have Camp Questions?
FAQ’s About Going To Camp Boggy Creek
“As a mom, sometimes I have to work through social issues with her, especially recently where her peers do not understand her challenges and she is made fun of. This is heartbreaking. This weekend provided that safe space that my child deserves and has been longing for. Although she has sensory issues, she even attempted some things that made her uncomfortable. This was huge and life changing for her. Now she is able to see that its ok to try new things and then be able to make decision if she wants to continue or not. She has able to be herself without judgement. She was loved by strangers who she never met before. She made new friends. She has a new heart sister who we are already planning a play date with. She was respected by everyone. She was safe! As a mom to know the medical team was there if needed, helped me to enjoy watching her try new things and participate in everyday activities.” - Camper Mom
Meet Jennifer Vogel : Camper Mom
For Parents and Guardians
How much does it cost?
There is no cost to attend Camp Boggy Creek.
Do I have to make a special appointment with my doctor to have the Medical Form completed?
In many cases, no. If your child has been to the doctor within 6 months, your doctor may be able to complete the form without an office visit.
What if I don’t have a copy of my child’s Immunization Record?
You should be able to get a copy of the "Shot Card" or "Blue Card" from your doctor or from your child's school. All children attending camp must be fully immunized, unless an immunization is not medically advised, in which case you must submit a medical exemption signed by your doctor. This will not necessarily apply to Covid-19 vaccinations.
Must I have the Medical Form completed by the doctor before I can submit the application?
No. You can submit your part of the application separately from the Medical Form, as long as both are received by the timeline indicated.
Can I visit my child while at Camp?
No. This would take away from the camping experience.
Can I call to check on my child while at Camp?
Yes. When you call, your child's counselor will be given the message and will return your call within 24 hours. Campers are not allowed to call home as this tends to contribute to them missing home.
Can my child come a day late or leave early?
No. Campers must commit to opening and closing dates.
Can a well sibling come to Camp with my camper?
No. Only the child with the illness is eligible. We do offer Family Retreat Weekends for the whole family! These are in the winter/spring & fall.
Does Camp Boggy Creek provide transportation?
No. Some of our participating organizations may provide transportation but Camp does not provide transportation.
Can a parent or sibling volunteer the same week that their camper is at Camp?
No. This takes away from the camping experience for your child.
What if my child gets to Camp and wants to come home?
Our intent is to make this a joyous and memorable time in the child's life. If your child misses home tremendously and they are determined to go home, we will call the parent to discuss possible solutions.
Arrival and Departure…does my family/child have to commit to Retreat/Summer camp dates?
Yes. Families/campers must commit to opening and closing dates. With only a limited number of spaces available, we reserve a place for your child (Summer Camp) or your family (Family Retreat Weekends.)
Will my child be safe at Camp?
We do all we can to provide a safe environment for all children at Camp. All staff are carefully screened including full background and reference checks. Our medical providers are fully licensed and have extensive pediatric experience. Our counselors go through an extensive orientation and training before Summer Camp begins. All program areas are reviewed for safety on a regular schedule. All staff members maintain certifications as required for specific program areas.
Who will take care of my child?
The staff of counselors undergo a strict interview and screening process including reference and background checks. Counselors are chosen from many applicants for their experience, enthusiasm and empathy. The entire staff receive intensive training in areas including safety, medical needs of our campers, child development, behavioral techniques, and cultural awareness.
What is the staff to camper ratio?
For the most part, Camp maintains a ratio of 1 staff member to 3 campers. More staff is assigned if needed.
Where do the children stay?
The campers live in cabins with other children their own age range and gender. Each cabin has approximately 6 to 8 campers with 4 to 6 counselors. The cabins are equipped with handicap accessible bathrooms and showers. The cabins are also climate-controlled.
Who provides medical care for my child?
Our state-of-the-art Medical Center (The Patch) is staffed with pediatric physicians and nurses 24 hours a day. The nurses provide routine scheduled medical care for the campers as prescribed by their primary physicians or specialists and their parents. Parents have the opportunity to sit down with their child’s nurse to review all medical care on arrival day of Summer Camp. You can review all your child’s special needs, medications, restrictions, etc. Your child’s nurse will set up a schedule for their routine care.
Do I need to bring my child’s medical supplies?
Yes. Please send all medications and supplies to Summer Camp with your child. Make sure you send enough to last the entire time your child is at Summer Camp. This includes; all medications (prescription and over the counter, oral, IV, IM), supplies for central line care (heparin, saline, syringes, caps, access needles, EMLA, etc.) and all other supplies, (IV or pump tubing, pumps and supplies, wheelchair, crutches, etc.) If your child needs Factor, provide that plus extra. If your child needs oxygen during the day or overnight, this must be arranged prior to coming to Summer Camp by you and your oxygen supplier.
What happens if my child gets sick at Camp?
If your child becomes sick at Summer Camp, they will be evaluated by the physicians and nurses at Camp Boggy Creek. Most often, minor medical problems (minor cuts, ear infections, sore throats, vomiting, sprains, etc.) can be handled here at Camp. Emergency medical care is provided as needed (IV antibiotics for fever, pain medications, IV fluids, etc.) If necessary, children are transported off Camp for further care. You and your child’s primary/specialty physician will be contacted by the Camp medical staff with any significant medical issues.
What if my child gets homesick?
There are a few things you can go over with your child before they come to Summer Camp that can help. Talk about it! Taking about missing home is natural and it can help prepare them for the feelings they might experience. Brainstorm some ways to feel more comfortable while away from home. If you think your child might miss home, please let us know. Our counselors are trained to help campers of all ages with the feelings associated when missing home. We would love to talk to you and your child about some ideas for making the week at Camp fun!
Can I write to my child?
Yes! Communicating with your camper is easy to do. Once your camper arrives and is attending camp, you can send emails everyday. On our website, go to the Home Page until you see the Summer Camp Application tab, click on it to access the User Page, log into your account and click on the Menu Bar (3 vertical lines top left) scroll down and open the Message Center then click on Email a Camper fill in your message and send. Your email(s) will be printed and delivered to your camper.

FAQ’s For Campers
Daily Schedule
If you wake up really early there are often “morning manatee activities” such as Boating & Fishing or Basketball available before breakfast.
After each meal there will be singing and dancing. Each morning you will go to a different activity area, such as the Pool, Arts & Crafts, or Archery with the other campers from your cabin.
After lunch we have “rest hour” or “quiet time” in our cabins. In the afternoon you will have the opportunity to sign up for an activity.
Every night we have something special like a Campfire, Stage Night, Silly Olympics or a Dance. Lights out is either at 9:30, 10:00, or 10:30 p.m. depending on how old you are.
What will I eat at Camp?
There are three full meals served every day and plenty of snacks. If you have allergies or cannot eat certain foods because of diet or religious reasons, we make sure that the kitchen and counselors know this before your session begins. There will always be something tasty to keep you fueled for the day’s activities. Some campers may need to bring specialty foods. There is always a vegetarian option available.
Where will I sleep?
When you get to Camp Boggy Creek, you will move right into your cabin along with 5-7 other campers about your own age.
Who will take care of me?
Four to six counselors will live in your cabin. They are there to make sure you are safe and to have a lot of fun while at Camp. They will be with you throughout your time at camp. There are also doctors and nurses at Camp to make sure that you have all of the medical care you need.
What’s there to do for fun?
There will be lots of fun with your cabin as you follow a schedule of activities during your session. The activities include boating and fishing, archery, pool, nature, creative arts, outdoor/indoor games, music, theater, and woodshop. Your counselors will also create special activities just for you and your cabin mates.
Will there be kids like me at Camp?
There is a mix of kids at Camp, but what you all have in common is that everyone who attends has a medical illness. There will most likely be kids with the same illness that you have while some may have something else. Some kids may look totally healthy while others may have hair loss from chemotherapy or may use a wheelchair. Some need medications every day, others do not. The important thing is that at Camp Boggy Creek everyone belongs 😊.