Brothers And Sisters: Camp Boggy Creek Holds First Ever Cancer Diagnosis Summer Camp Week That Includes Siblings.
“We exist because children are suffering and so there's a huge responsibility that comes along with that to make sure that we're doing everything that we can to leave no child out of this kind of experience.” -Dan Jurman, President & CEO
The sounds of laughter, singing, joy, and brotherly and sisterly love were amplified during Camp Boggy Creek’s first week of oncology summer camp as we welcomed over 80 children with a diagnosis along with their siblings. Inviting siblings in addition to children with a cancer diagnosis serves two purposes, 1.) Their brother or sister provides a comfort level to the camper with the diagnosis, and 2.) The sibling who has also experienced a level of trauma due to the diagnosis of their brother or sister can experience all the therapeutic fun and joy that Camp has to offer as well.
During the week, campers experience an array of intentional camp programming all designed to help them build resilience, independence, and above all, let them have the time of their life. Camp offers them a bevy of activities including archery, fishing, swimming, horseback riding, boating, and arts and crafts. For some, this will be a summer of firsts. The first time catching a fish, the first time riding a horse, the first time hitting a bullseye. It also can the first time that they get to meet other children just like them who are going through the same challenges they are.
While at Camp and beyond, Campers are encouraged to always be kind. Kind to their fellow cabin mates, kind to strangers, kind to our team, and kind to themselves. This kindness gets exhibited in many different ways, but perhaps, one of the more meaningful ways in which it’s displayed is when campers share with each other at the Web of Kindness. The Web of kindness takes place after lunch and encourages campers to express their gratitude for another camper, a counselor, a volunteer, or their sibling(s), anyone who has shown them kindness.
“I’m grateful for my brother. He’s always been with me through everything I’ve gone through. I love you!” - Camper, Cancer Week.
“I wanted to give a shout out to my sister. She’s the best and is always there to give me a hug when I need one. Thank you for being here at camp with me!” - Camper, Cancer Week.
President and CEO Dan Jurman has experienced what many of our Camp families have gone through personally and is passionate about children being able to be children while at Camp, so they begin to heal some trauma they have faced:
“When a child is diagnosed with a major illness, it’s not only traumatic for the child, it can be just as traumatic for the rest of the family, including siblings. Those siblings often feel scared and alone, and frankly, sometimes even feel neglected. We know that Camp is the perfect prescription to help build them up. It is so critical that EVERY child gets to experience joy, fun, laughter, and acceptance. That’s exactly what we strive to deliver with every child with illnesses seen and unseen.”
It is our hope that ALL who have and will experience Camp at Camp Boggy Creek leave with a newfound hope, greater self-confidence, and a desire to always choose kindness.