Strength And Smiles… Kayla’s Story.

“Without camp I feel I never would of had the strength to fight through when I was sick. Camp boggy gave me the hope I lost which inspired me so much that every year I would try my hardest to give others I met at camp some hope and make them smile.” - Kayla Witter, Previous Camper

*Photos Courtesy of Kayla Witter

My name is Kayla Witter. I had Leukemia from 2007-2010 and went to Camp Boggy Creek from 2008-2017. All the staff and everyone from Camp boggy and the American Cancer Center have a very special place in my heart. I went to the cancer week almost every year. I missed a year because I got sick after finishing treatment and didn't want to risk putting anyone else at risk, but was lucky enough to be invited back when I was 17 because I had missed a year and was devastated.

Without camp I feel I never would of had the strength to fight through when I was sick. Camp boggy gave me the hope I lost which inspired me so much that every year I would try my hardest to give others I met at camp some hope and make them smile. I love Camp Boggy Creek and everyone that is a part of it. I want to thank this organization by volunteering or doing whatever I can to help and I want to show my family the wonderful camp I was apart of. There was an older gentleman who was very wise that would come visit the camp who said he lived across from the camp and tell us stories every year to me and the other children and would always tell us "this isn't goodbye its just see you later" which will always stick with me. It gave me so much inspiration.

At the end of the week I would be crying my eyes out saying good bye to everyone because I didn't want to leave. Im 22 now and married with a beautiful little girl and I truly believe without this Camp and the people I met at Camp Boggy Creek I wouldn't be here today. Im so blessed to have been a part of Camp Boggy and I want to come back and help people and this beautiful place as much as possible to give back what was stolen from me from cancer which is happiness and hope. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Kayla Witter.

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