S’more Than A Camp! Life Builds Lifelong Friendships.

Imagine being a child facing the challenges of epilepsy, feeling isolated and alone, with no one to truly understand what you're going through. That was the reality for two boys, Ethan and Lucas, until they found solace and friendship at Camp Boggy Creek. Their incredible journey is a testament to the life-changing impact of your support. 

Ethan and Lucas’ paths first crossed at Camp Boggy Creek, a place for children with serious illnesses. It was here that they discovered they were not alone in their daily battle with epilepsy. For the first time, they met peers who shared their struggles, fears, and hopes. Camp Boggy Creek became the catalyst for a friendship that would forever change their lives. 

Their connection deepened when fate intervened and both boys found themselves in the hospital at the same time. Recognizing each other from camp, their faces lit up with joy and relief. They instantly understood the power of their shared experiences and the strength they found in one another.  

Since that day in the hospital, Ethan and Lucas’ friendship has blossomed. They are now inseparable companions, supporting each other through the ups and downs that all young boys face. Previously, sleepovers and birthday celebrations were distant dreams. The limitations imposed by their illness made these simple joys seem unattainable. Both Ethan and Lucas’ parents struggled to trust anyone else to care for their child, who could have a seizure in the middle of the night. Ethan and Lucas now have a newfound freedom and opportunities. They share sleepovers, create memories on birthdays, and experience the joy of childhood alongside a friend who truly understands. Even their mothers, united by their children's shared journey, found solace and strength in each other's understanding. Beyond the gates of Camp Boggy Creek, a support network was forged, providing unwavering emotional support for both families.

Ethan and Lucas are just one story of many made possible by Camp Boggy Creek. This remarkable and magical place provides a sanctuary for children with serious illnesses, where they can form lifelong friendships, gain confidence, build resilience, and experience the joy of simply being a kid. With your support, we can extend this transformative experience to even more children who are longing for connection.

Join us in making a difference by using the secure form below. With a donation of $25 or more, you will receive a "S'more than a Camp" t-shirt or you can chose to send it to a friend. Your generosity will help us create more stories like Lucas and Ethan’s, where lives are forever changed for the better. Thank you for your support AND for helping us share our story, you matter, you make a difference.



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